Upgrade and Master your Soft skill-sets here 


Learn how to communicate more effectively at work and achieve your goals. Improving Communications Skills is an essential course designed to give you both the tools and the most successful strategies for using them to your advantage

Time Management

Take online time management courses to build your skills and advance your career. Learn time management, communications, teamwork, leadership and other in-demand skills with courses from us

Critical Thinking

Whatever you are doing right now is determined by the way you are thinking. Whatever emotions you feel are determined by your thinking. Whatever you want – all your desires – are determined by your thinking

Stress Management

Stress Management Training can be learned quickly and is applicable in many settings. You can use it as a short course of treatment or as an on-going therapeutic activity. Our training will enable you to speedily add Stress Management Training to your helping skills so that you will rapidly become a competent practitioner.


Turn Your Creative Energies On Daily. You Are the Source of Innovation, Creative Writing and New Ideas Creativity is innate to all human beings. You can quickly build, refine, improve and strengthen your creativity and innovation muscles.


he application of scientific methods and logical reasoning to problems and decisions – is the foundation of effective problem solving and decision making. Critical thinking enables us to avoid common obstacles, test our beliefs and assumptions, and correct distortions


Learn how to be an effective and successful leader with free online courses in inclusive leadership, communication, management and more. Build the leadership skills you need to stand out and take your career to the next level.

Conflict Management

Harness the power of positive conflict, and hone your intercultural communication skills. You’ll learn to strengthen your personal and professional relationships by constructively addressing conflicts between individuals and within organizations


Persuasion is a skill that’s useful in all kinds of different situations. In a professional setting, it can be used to bring out the best in others, helping to improve performance and facilitate decisions. It can also help with things like negotiation and building influence.