Malaysia’s top Skills training house


Our instructors have a proven track record with players of any skill level. Our commitment to skill development has led to a team of well-rounded and highly skilled coaches, consisting of internationally certified, foreign and local instructors. Offering the most complete player development programs in the region 


There are few better ways of becoming better at your craft than investing in education that will teach you the skills and techniques you are missing. As barbers and there are some things we do well and others that create challenges for us. In our look-and-learn and hands-on barber classes.

Golf Caddy

The quintessential role of the caddie is to bring added value to the game for the golfer. There’s the obvious duty of carrying the golf clubs, but the caddie does much more than that. From making sure the bag is stocked with balls and tees to repairing divots and raking sand traps. 

Air Conditional Service

We offers various refrigeration and air conditioning training courses, incorporating both theoretical and practical knowledge to meet the needs of air conditioning professionals to deliver industry recognised qualifications.


Take online time management courses to build your skills and advance your career. Learn time management, communications, teamwork, leadership and other in-demand skills with courses from us

Buggy Mechanic

Since golf carts are an essential component of any successful golf course, most golf course management programs typically include a course that discusses golf cart maintenance. A facility and operations management course.